The complexity of any individual estate will determine how long it takes to get through probate. The time necessary to probate a will in Massachusetts will depend on numerous factors, particularly how involved the Internal Revenue Service is with regards to settling or closing out an estate.Probate services concept: piece of paper with the word Probate on it and a gavel on a desk

You will want to be prepared to speak with an experienced probate services lawyer if you have been appointed in the role of probate administration if you have questions.

Timeline of Probate in Massachusetts

These cases can be complex and take a great deal of time, although it typically takes anywhere from 9 to 12 months to probate a will. In most cases when a probate lawyer is involved sooner, this can be on the shorter end of the timeline.

In some probate cases in MA, however, particularly if there are any will challenges or other contests raised, it can take up to two years to settle an estate. At the bare minimum, a court case is opened for any potentially legitimate will challenges and related contests. If you’re involved in a probate case where a will challenge or other contest was raised, it’s advised to get your own probate services lawyer to assist you.

Role of the Personal Representative

When probate is opened in Massachusetts, the personal representative of that estate is responsible for filing the will, along with the petition requesting that the will be accepted as valid.

This formally triggers the beginning of the estate administration process. Many different challenges can arise in this kind of circumstance, making it important to retain a probate attorney.

Avoiding Challenges and Contests in Your Own Estate

You can minimize your chances of your own estate winding up in a challenge or contest by working with an estate planning lawyer in Massachusetts to draft your documents.



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