As part of their estate plan, or as part of crisis planning for Medicaid, you may be working with an experienced estate planning attorney to help provide someone in your family with a transition into a nursing home. Choosing a nursing home is a very emotional process, especially if the person being placed in the home had a desire to remain independent, but you and other family members are deeply concerned about their safety.Elder law attorney concept: young woman helping a senior woman with alzheimer's

Selecting the Right Nursing Home in Massachusetts

Whether planning in advance with the help of an estate planning lawyer in Massachusetts, or planning more urgently for a quick transition, be aware of the importance of selecting the right nursing homes. Falls are the leading reason for non-deadly and deadly injuries among the elderly across the United States, and falls lead to over $50 billion a year in medical expenses.

Someone with Alzheimer’s may be more likely to sustain a fall in a facility that does not have appropriate supervision. One recent study shows that a simple change, such as switching fluorescent light bulbs with LED color changing lights inside long term care facilities could help to cut down on resident falls by as much as 43%. Other issues can increase fall risk for elderly people, including cluttered environments, lack of sleep and certain medications.

Contact a Boston Elder Law Attorney

If you have questions about helping a loved one qualify for long term care services due to a recent Alzheimer’s diagnosis or have other concerns about implementing aspects of their estate plan, set aside a time to speak with an experienced Massachusetts elder law attorney.



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