Advanced care planning refers to different strategies and steps that you can take to ensure that the medical care you receive, if you are unable to make these decisions for yourself, is still available to you.

While it is certainly important to speak with trusted loved ones and family about your goals and values for future medical care, it is just as important to articulate these in a written fashion. In Massachusetts, this document is referred to as an advanced directive.

It can address some of the key decisions that might come up as it relates to expressing your wishes, such as whether you want to receive tube feeding, to be resuscitated if your heart stops, or if you want to use a breathing machine.

A healthcare proxy is the legally accepted advanced directive form in Massachusetts which enables any adult to name a trusted individual to make healthcare decisions on the creator’s behalf if that individual is ever unable to communicate or make these decisions on their own.

The designated party you choose to serve on your Massachusetts healthcare proxy is referred to as a healthcare agent and this person is only eligible to take action when a physician identifies that the patient is no longer able to communicate or make those decisions on their own. Who you install as the agent on your healthcare proxy in Massachusetts is important. Speak with a dedicated and experienced estate planning lawyer in Massachusetts to discuss your options today.



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