It’s a common misconception that you don’t need an elder law lawyer until after retirement. Like all good planning, it’s wise to invest time and energy into planning upfront so that your only ongoing concerns are updates if your life requires changes to your elder law documents.

Elder law issues can be very complex, and what seems like a small mistake could have major ramifications for you or a loved one. State laws in Massachusetts govern what can and cannot go inside a trust, will, power of attorney, or medical directive. This is why it’s important to seek out a Massachusetts estate planning lawyer who stays up to date on these concerns. Anyone creating these documents due to concerns over incapacity should consider hiring a Massachusetts elder law attorney.

Furthermore, anyone who is interested in crafting a short-term or long-term plan for Medicaid qualification should speak with an attorney about this process. Medicaid is also managed at the state level. The best advantages of Medicaid planning come when you engage with an attorney in advance of needing Medicaid services.

Some of the people who could benefit from speaking with a Massachusetts elder law lawyer include:

• Those who own properties in multiple states
• Those who own at least one business
• Those concerned about meeting Medicaid eligibility in the future
• Those recently divorced or remarried
• Parents of special needs children
• Those who have specific wishes about life-prolonging care
• Those with an incapacitated spouse in need of long-term care

If any of these situations describe you, or if you’re simply looking for a way to plan ahead for your own future, set up a meeting with a Massachusetts elder lawyer today.

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